Hello! This weekend has been crazy, but the good kind of crazy. It was prom!!! If you remember from last years post, I went to a giant picture party. Well, this year a few friends and I decided to have our own little picture party.

To be completely honest, I had wayyy more fun with the 5 of us. There's something about having a great group of friends to take pictures with rather than an overwhelming crowd of people who you don't even talk to that much.

I heard there were over 80 people there! (Yes, 80+) I was glad we didn't go because we got to talk to each other without having to yell across the room and we weren't waiting in line to take a picture. There's no rule that says you HAVE to go to a huge picture party to have fun. Cause personally, they are way too crowded for my liking.

We stayed the entire time which is way longer than what we were expecting to do. We left with smiles on our faces and numbness in our feet. You know the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower? The scene where they are dancing at the school dance and don't give a damn about what everyone else was thinking? That's the best way I can explain how I felt amongst the other cliquey groups.

The best feeling in the world is not caring what other people think about you especially when you're with friends who feel the same way as you do. I can honestly say, this was the best part of Senior year.

Ok, ok, since I rambled here are some pics that I hope you enjoy looking at lol:

I love you guys to the moon and back! Prom was amazing with you guys and I wouldn't change one thing about that night.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Stay tuned for my prom makeup look!!



  1. I love this and you! I wish we could relive Prom again! It was such a blast (thanks to you) <3

    1. Awww I love you too! It was cause we were all together. ;)

  2. Started to tear up reading this! I love it! I'm glad my first and last prom was with ya'll! <3


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