Hello munchkins!! 
Today, I wanted to talk about college, why? Well, cause it's a pretty crazy and life altering change that can go well for some, but downhill for others. I'm not gonna lie, I'm writing this post mostly because I feel extremely anxious and a tad home sick. Even though it's the 5th week of school and I went to summer school, it's just now hitting me.

I miss my friends, Mills (my pup), my insanely loud and at times crazy family, sleeping in my own bed. The list can go on and on. College is extremely fun and exciting, but you have to learn how to manage all of the time you have cause let me tell ya, you get a lot of free time! It's scary, but at the same time empowering to decide what and when you're going to do something. This is when you realize just how important and crucial time is. 

There is no one there holding your hand, reminding you to do something or not to do something. You're all on your own and when that thought becomes reality it is scary. Don't get me wrong, I love being in college and all, but it can be overwhelming.

I have made some amazing friends during these few first months of school and I am still making some friends. I am truly lucky to be where I am and to have met some great people who help me stay grounded when life gets too crazy.


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