This summer has flown by. In a previous post, I talked about being in college. I started early in a six week program to get a feel of how "college life" is. And, it's not so bad! Well, it is still summer and there aren't as many people on campus, but all is good.  I still get a feel of how the professors are and where all of the buildings are, so I'm not complaining.

I had a fear that I wasn't going to be good enough for class or I wouldn't know how to manage my time wisely. I had to figure out what, when and how I was going to something. I decided to take a break and write this post. 

College is honestly, strange, not being around your family or sleeping in your own bed at home, even going home on the weekends is a crazy thought. Yes, I know that college is all about being an individual and "becoming you" but it can be a roller coaster.

Roommates aren't who they seem to be, or they change, people are crazy, or there's a really cute boy in your class that you want to say hi to. You Can make anything possible, I know, very cheesy, but it's true. You can talk to your roommate about what you have on your mind, or try to ignore the crazy people, and even have enough courage to go up to the boy or girl you like and say hi! It's all a matter of time and confidence. 

You can do whatever you want to do. Major in Theatre, or Business, it's what you are happy doing. You can be you and I have learned that college is the place that has a hundred doors that still need to be opened or even left closed. 

I am extremely lucky to have this opportunity and to meet all of these amazing people. And, remember, YOU CAN do whatever you set your heart on. 


1 comment

  1. So great. Thanks.


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