Hello lovelies! Today I wanted to discuss a topic that I hear a lot about, but I don't hear or see a lot of people talking or writing about it. "It", is anxiety and stress.

I believe that this topic is extremely important to talk about and share ones own experiences in a way to try to help someone who may seem lost and not know what to do.

I am not a professional about this, but I do suffer from stress and anxiety and felt the need to share my experiences and how I cope with it. I have been wanting to do a blog post about this for a while, but I was too scared to. Why? I don't really know, but here it goes...

Some people suffer from stress and anxiety more than others. Having been diagnosed with ADHD and ADD since I was little, I never really experienced stress and anxiety as much as I do now. Even though I was on medication to help me focus, I didn't enjoy how I felt after I took it. I would feel drowsy, depressed, shy and not hungry. I am a very outgoing and social person who absolutely loves food, so having to take a pill every day was difficult for me. I didn't feel like myself and felt like there was someone inside me wanting to break free which made me worry how others saw me.

Until high school, I had to really push myself to make friends and dealing with a lot of home work and a new school packed on the worrying which led to a lot of stress and anxiety. It wasn't until Senior year that I decided to stop taking my medicine. I new this was going to be an extremely hard transition, but I wanted people to see who I really was, an outgoing, fun foodie. This decision was hard to make because I wasn't sure how I would do in my classes without taking my medicine.

It wasn't until then, when my mom asked, "so, do you see a difference without taking your pill?", that I did. I wouldn't say it's a good difference because I realized that my anxiety and stress sky rocketed. Having a mind that goes 100 miles per hour and doesn't stop to let you think is very challenging. I tend to overthink the littlest thoughts that go through my mind and second guess myself more. The "what ifs" "buts" and so many more worrisome questions roam my mind constantly.

The first time I had a panic attack was because well, to be honest I'm not sure why I had it, but I didn't know what to do to make it stop. My mom tried helping by saying to take deep breaths and to relax, but all of these different thoughts crammed my mind and body which made it impossible to do what my mom told me to do. A few days later, I told my cousin because she saw that I wasn't myself and she told me that I used to get them all the time when I was little.

On a daily basis, I try to relax. In school, if I'm feeling overly anxious, I'll ask my teacher if I can go to the bathroom or even to stand outside of the room helps. At home, I find that painting is soothing and helps keep my mind focused on one thing or I'll run a bath and read. It might seem weird, but writing blog posts has helped me express my thoughts, the good and the bad. I also found that working out helps not just your body, but your mind too.

I really hope this has helped some of you suffering from stress and anxiety. I would love to know how you guys cope with it and what helps you relax.


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