All of the work had paid off and we all had an amazing turkey day! Be prepared for lots of family pics!!!
While we were waiting to eat, which felt like forever! I decided to take a few pictures with the fam.
Me, my grandma, and my lovely mom
I love taking pictures and oddly enough, I'm not in many of them, so I wanted to be in as many pictures as I could. Even if I would have to photo bomb them.
Allison (my older sister), Mila (the pup), and me
I really like this picture, 1) because my hair doesn't look bad, 2) Mila actually let us take a picture of her (she's camera shy) and 3) well, because it was a good day. Did you think I was gonna say because I was with my sister? That too, I guess.
But let me tell you, the salad, smashed or mashed potatoes, beans, a corn pudding bread casserole (something my aunt made) was so good!
After I ate I couldn't help, but want some of my moms famous pumpkin pie, well in my mind it's famous haha.
Allison, momma Cohen, me
It was such a beautiful day out today that we couldn't not take a picture outside.
Allison, my cousin, Papa, grandma, me
Allison, Sara (little sister), Grandma Pat, me, my aunt Lori
Allison, me, Grandpa Doe, Sara
TOP: Cousins, Allison, me, Sara BOTTOM: my great grandma
I hate choosing my favorite picture, but the one above is pretty awesome of all of the GREAT grandchildren. I think it's pretty cool haha.
Sara, dad, me, Allison, Mila
This is the last picture, I promise. I love this so much! Not make things all mushy or anything, but I'm extremely thankful for my whole family. Although, we can be very dysfunctional, loud, and at times hate each other, we will always love one another unconditionally. Well, maybe just conditionally.
Props to my mom for taking this funny picture! I love you!
What are you guys thankful for?
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